MSW Oct 16 Concert Details

Dear MSW,

Our concert this Sunday, October 16, 3:00 PM, is at St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church in Plymouth. MAP The concert day timeline is below. Tonight at rehearsal I will pass around a sign up sheet (or you can reply to this email) for early and late truck crews as well as a set up crew at church. You will need to bring a music stand and if you have difficulty reading music in low light, you may want to bring a battery operated stand light. 

12:00 Load truck at Edina High School- TRUCK CREW NEEDED

12:45 Set up at St. Philip the Deacon- SET UP CREW NEEDED

1:30 Rehearse

2:30 Break

3:00 Concert begins

4:45ish load truck (everyone who is available)

5:15ish unload truck at Edina High School- TRUCK CREW NEEDED

We are trying something new and I am sending this email from a list of October concert participants, rather than using our Mail Chimp Account to email everyone on our MSW list. If you hear of someone not receiving it, please let me know.

See you tonight!

Jill Westermeyer

MSW Manager