Huber Park Concert
- Huber Park in Shakopee map
- Carpool, if possible. I realize this can be a challenge for many on a weeknight, but the fewer MSW cars in the lots, the more parking available for audience members.
- 5:15 early truck at Shakopee HS (Thank you to Kristen C, Paul R, Jim S, Diane H, Erick R and Ian D.)
- 5:45 unload truck at Huber Park
- 6:00 set-up (Thank you to Lucy, Andy E, Dave F and Chris G.)
- 6:15 arrival/park
- 6:30 warm-up
- 7:00 pm Performance at Huber Park
- 8:15 pm load Truck (lots of helpers, please!)
- 8:45 pm unload truck at Shakopee HS (Thank you Olav S., Eddie D, Todd B, Jack R and Chris W)
What to Bring
- music stand
- clothes pins or plexiglass or whatever you use to keep your music in place on a windy day
What to Wear
- Black MSW T-shirt or plain black T-shirt
- Black pants/short/skirt
- optional- hat- we will be facing southwest, most likely into the sunĀ
Jill Westermeyer – MSW Manager